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August 04, 2021
A little animal wisdom...

This may not be relatable for everyone, but I'm sharing it anyway. Feel free to share what practices keep you grounded. I think some of us can use all the help we can get. 😉

Unsettled, frustrated, hopeless, doubtful, worried, angry, and uncertain thoughts don't usually dominate my optimistic disposition, but they linger ominously and steal my time. Lately, way too much time. They become louder the more attention I pay to the news and social media, mainly Instagram, as I'm off Twitter and rarely scroll Facebook. The campaign of fear and shame that began in early 2020 is coming to a cacophonic crescendo.

I'm to a point where outside pressure and judgment have been so intense that I have considered going against what I feel is right for my family and me to appease the masses, which is not okay. It doesn't feel good to know friends and family I love may look at me as selfish or just plain stupid for a decision I consider personal and of great concern and consequence. But not feeling good isn't reason enough to sway me yet, and I pray for future strength and clarity.

My decision to not vaccinate myself or my children at this time was not made without countless hours of listening and reading information on the topic. I believe that anyone who feels sure about the information being fed by mainstream media, from CNN to FOX, and does not look beneath that surface, misses valuable insight from highly respected experts and doctors putting their careers, reputations, and safety on the line. I won't go into the topic at length here, but the censorship alone of anyone questioning the treatment and personal stories of side effects should make everyone stop and take a closer look.

One practice that helps to keep me sane and grounded is medicine cards. I've been using them for several years, so I can easily interpret the messages from the animals on the cards, and they are often reassuring, or they point me in a direction that needs attention. I like the tarot too, but I'm more familiar with these, based on native American teachings. Bible scripture is becoming more ingestible, but I've still got roadblocks up from the past, so this is how I usually get my spirit on.

Today I began by asking for reassurance, and I could not have received better messages for my current state of mind. I did the Mother Earth/Father Sky spread for balancing the female nurturing and intuitive energy with the male demonstrative warrior energy.

The Weasel came up for the female energy side, and I cannot tell you how many times I have drawn this card in the last year and a half! It's funny because I always wince a bit (weasel isn't exactly the most beloved animal), then I realize how affirming its message is for this time in my life.

Weasel = Stealth. "Weasel ears hear what is really being said. This is a great ability. Weasel eyes see beneath the surface of a situation to know the many ramifications of an event. This too is a rare gift."

The Buffalo card is always a positive reminder to focus on prayer and gratitude, and the male energy points to demonstrating it more often.

Buffalo = Prayer & Abundance. "Most assuredly, this time will bring serenity amidst chaos if you pray in earnest for enlightenment and the power of calmness and give praise for the gifts you already have."

I tried to attach photos with the entire message for each animal, but the file images were too big. If you want to look for the book and cards yourself, Jamie Sams and David Carson are the authors of Medicine Cards.

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April 15, 2023
Cookbook preview

If I had to ballpark a timeline, I’d say I should have my book, Living Legacy: Stories of a Restaurant Family ready for purchase by the end of May. 🤞 I was really hoping to have it finished in time for Mother’s Day but everything is taking longer than I anticipated. I’m self-publishing and I uploaded the pdf’s for the interior and cover today. Now I’ll wait to see if there are any issues with the files (fingers crossed I fixed them already!) and to receive a printed copy I can look over before I release it to the public.

It’s been a huge learning curve, but I’ve enjoyed (almost) every frustrating minute because now I know how to write and design a cookbook. I’m not sure what my next one will feature but it will definitely have some lighter recipes after fixing and eating all of the rich restaurant food, delicious as it was. I’m excited to get back into more recipe development of my own!

November 18, 2022
November 15, 2022
Latest IG reel

When I got back from a trip this week, my garden had exploded and all my arugula bolted. So I made this:

We had it with grilled chicken and polenta that I remembered I had in the freezer. The polenta soaked up the dressing and it was so yummy!

Molly, I hope you’re well!💗

August 15, 2023
Cookbook Launch!!!

Hi all. I'm excited to announce my cookbook, Living Legacy: Stories of a Restaurant Family, is available now at

Thanks for your patience and support through my writing and cooking journey 🧡 I'm really proud of how it turned out and can't wait for everyone to try the

July 18, 2023
Back online! is back! 😅 ⁠
Thanks for your patience while the site was down. I am now in complete control of my domain (if not at home, at least on the internet 😂), so there should be no recurrence. Hot tip: If you sell a business, make sure your other domain names don't go along with it 🙃. ⁠

I'm greatly relieved to have it back since it's plastered on all of the Living Legacy cookbooks that are currently printing. That would have been super fun to deal with. ⁠

I'll get to work on a new post soon. Meanwhile, visit to find new and old favorite recipes! ⁠

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October 10, 2022
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Spice Mixes
Seasoned Salt, Italian Seasoning, Southwest Seasoning

I use one of these three mixes almost every time I cook! 

I think you will find it's a little more budget-friendly to take individual herbs and spices and combine them into a custom mix than it is to purchase premade mixes. They make great homemade gifts too. I used little jars of the Seasoned Salt as party favors for my niece's bridal shower a couple of years ago and, several months later, received requests for the recipe as the jars were empty and the people wanted more. I love it when that happens. 


Seasoned Salt

Great for chicken, fish, salad dressings/dips, soups, eggs, etc.

1/4 cup kosher salt or sea salt

1 tablespoon ground black pepper

2 teaspoons smoked paprika

1 teaspoon white pepper

1 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon granulated garlic

1 teaspoon dried parsley

1 teaspoon dried  thyme

1/2 teaspoon dried lemon peel

Combine all of the ingredients and store the mix in a small mason jar or similar container.


Italian Seasoning

Works well in pasta sauces, soups, salad dressing, and garlic oil, as well as on pizza and garlic bread

3 tablespoons dried basil

3 tablespoons dried oregano

3 tablespoons dried parsley

1 tablespoon dried rosemary

1 tablespoon dried thyme

1/2 teaspoon celery seeds

1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds

1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Combine all of the ingredients and store the mix in a small mason jar or similar container. If you have a mortar & pestle, grind the celery seed, fennel seed, and red pepper flakes first to release the flavors.


Southwest Seasoning

Use in tacos, chili, tortilla soup, dressings/dips, burritos, enchiladas, etc.

1/4 cup dried ground ancho chiles

2 tablespoons smoked paprika

2 tablespoons granulated garlic

2 tablespoons dried Mexican Oregano

1 tablespoon dried cilantro

1 tablespoon ground cumin

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Combine all of the ingredients and store the mix in a small mason jar or similar container.


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